Privacy Policy


Last Updated: August 30, 2023


We, Room15.Digital, represented by individual entrepreneur Oleksandr Bielinskyi, Tax ID Number 3297706533, located at 42 Petro Kalnyshchevsky Ave, 49051, Dnipro (hereinafter referred to as “We“, “Room15.Digital“), pay special attention to matters of user information confidentiality on our website, located at (hereinafter referred to as the “Website“).


This document explains how we process confidential information and why you should not be concerned about the protection of your personal data.


Why We Collect Your Personal Data

Our Website collects personal information for the purpose of improving our understanding of customer needs, enhancing the quality of services provided, informing you about our offered services and significant changes in company operations, as well as conducting marketing and statistical research. This also enables us to establish communication with you.


What Constitutes Personal Data

Personal data refers to information related to a user that allows for the identification of their identity. This includes but is not limited to, name, surname, location data, physical characteristics (age, gender, etc.), and social aspects (profession, position, work experience, etc.).


In accordance with applicable legislation, data processing encompasses any actions involving your personal information. Such actions include collection, organization, storage, utilization, structuring, transmission of information by any means, and more.


Information We Collect

Room15.Digital collects, processes, and stores information voluntarily provided by users through contact forms on the website and questionnaires for specific types of services, which users can find detailed information about on our website.


We may collect information such as:


  • Name and surname.
  • Email address.
  • Company name.
  • Geographic presence of the client’s product.
  • Client’s needs and plans.


This is a non-exhaustive list that may be expanded or shortened in the future.


Who Has Access to Your Data

Our Website operates not in isolation but through the collective efforts of numerous employees and subcontractors. In order to ensure high-quality services, we engage employees and collaborate with independent contractors. Consequently, some of your personal data may be shared with third parties or external services (e.g., mailing service).


Data Retention Period

We retain user data for as long as it is minimally necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.


The Website stores client information throughout the entire period of cooperation. Subsequently, this data is archived and preserved. Deletion of certain data is not feasible, such as information from tax documents, details within comprehensive backup copies, and so forth.


How We Ensure Personal Data Protection

We implement both technical and organizational measures to safeguard the personal information of our users/clients from unauthorized processing, unauthorized access, and accidental loss or damage. We continuously enhance our personal data security measures to align with the latest technological advancements.


Technical Security Measures

We store passwords in dedicated programs and implement two-factor authentication wherever feasible.


The data on the Website is stored using dependable hosting providers and additional software safeguards to protect the servers.


Organizational Security Measures

We do not disclose information regarding website visits, conversion rates, sales figures, and other confidential client data that could harm them if it falls into the hands of competitors. Exceptions are made when we have agreed with you to publish this information, or when it is already public.


We conduct regular training sessions with our employees on the protection of user’s personal data.


We have delineated areas of responsibility and functional duties among our employees to prevent situations where critical data is accessible to many employees unnecessarily. We also grant limited access to employees and regularly review the relevance of access permissions granted.


We do not disclose our users’ personal data to third parties, except in cases where such disclosure is required by competent government authorities in accordance with applicable laws.


Cookie Files

Cookie files are small text files that are downloaded to your computer or other device when you visit our website or other websites on the internet. They allow the website to remember your preferences and past actions to enhance your user experience. If you wish to change your cookie settings, you can do so through your browser’s settings. For additional information, you can refer to our Cookie Policy.


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

For users from the European Union, we are prepared to guarantee compliance with the fundamental provisions concerning the protection of personal data adopted in the EU.

These provisions include:


  • A declaration of data processing limitations.
  • The right to access user data.
  • The right to erasure (“RTBF”).
  • The right to data portability.
  • The right to withdraw user consent.
  • The right to rectify personal data.
  • The right to object to data processing.


Requests to Room15.Digital

Room15.Digital endeavors to promptly address inquiries from visitors regarding the collection, processing, and storage of their personal data. Typically, we respond within one week from the date of the request submission. However, in the event of a high volume of requests from various users, we may extend the response period to up to 2 weeks. We will inform the user of such an extension within 1 week of receiving the request and provide reasons for the delay.



We respect the privacy of our users and strive to adhere to the rules outlined in our policy. However, we cannot guarantee 100% data preservation, especially for information also publicly accessible on the internet or in the presence of factors beyond our control and influence that may lead to information disclosure.


We do not assume responsibility for adverse consequences and any damages, including lost profits, arising from restricted access to the website or its visitation and utilization of the information posted therein.


Furthermore, we wish to note that Room15.Digital may contain links to third-party resources not affiliated with our website. We do not accept responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, and truthfulness of the information posted on such websites and do not guarantee the preservation of confidential data left by visitors on these sites. Before accessing other websites, please familiarize yourself with their privacy policies.


In the event of a breach of user personal data protection, we promptly inform both the affected users and the competent supervisory authority for data protection. In doing so, we exert every effort to minimize such risks.

Changes and Amendments

We aspire to continual growth and development of our Website, and therefore, from time to time, we may make changes and updates to this policy.


Any modifications to this document will be posted on our website, so we recommend periodically reviewing this page to ensure your agreement with any changes.


If you continue to use our website after amendments to this privacy policy have been made, we assume that you agree with the changes.

Contact Information

Thank you for your attention to our privacy policy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at



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